Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Can I eat this or....?

My husband is standing with the fridge door open, he's showing me a container of food and he asks, "Can I eat this or is it for your face?".  This may sound funny, but it's a common occurrence in our home. No longer are my kids shocked when they walk into a room and I'm sitting there with a face covered in black seaweed, red pomegranate or yellow turmeric! Maybe it's not so cool that their friends are getting used to it too :)
  I am a skin specialist with a passion for healthy eating. You can't expect to see improvement in your face if you're not providing your body with the nutrition it needs to achieve these results.

spirulina, turmeric, yogurt etc.  
In my 30's I experienced hormonal acne, it was so disappointing when I couldn't find the right serum, wash, cream etc to help in any way. Out of desperation I tried a cleanse and WOW, there it was, an improvement. Why, I now know it was because I was experiencing irritable bowel syndrome and I needed to cleanse my digestive track so it could do what it does best, provide the nutrients required in your body. If things aren't functioning properly in your gut, it's going to show somewhere in your skin, hair, health, brain function etc.  I intend to focus more attention to this subject a little later on. Today I want to talk about putting some of that goodness ON your body, not just in it! :) Being a professional has given me access to all the top spa products on the market, of course I have not tried them all, but I have experimented with countless  brands and treatments. It can get confusing and overwhelming trying to figure out what product is best suited to your skin type and concern you are trying to address, again, this is not the topic of this blog, I'll get back to that another time. With all the experimenting I have done from the products I carry for the facial line, the more "natural"  individual products I have purchased, such as shea butter, vitamin C powder, dead sea mineral mud etc, time and time again, I am so pleased with the results from the products in my kitchen!! And I am getting my clients to see the same thing.

For my very first post I'm going to share a recent mask I made and LOVED! It left my skin smooth, firm and bright. Here are the ingredients.
Organic Greek yogurt, organic turmeric powder, kefir grains, green tea, borage oil and seaweed wraps. 

I like to apply my masks with foundation brushes that you can find at the dollar store. Using your fingers is so messy and just plain inconvenient!
Yogurt exfoliates the skin, think of it as a mild lactic acid peel. It also works great to bond all the ingredients together. Turmeric is a healer, it's anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-bacterial and will help brighten your complexion (there are many more benefits). Green tea is an anti-oxidant  (I save a little from my tea to add to the mask!). Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements that offer moisture to your skin (make sure to eat this stuff too!). Kefir grains help the ph balance in your skin and improves many skin issues such as acne. (I consume kefir water daily, amazing for healthy bacteria in the gut). Borage oil has a high fatty acid profile and helps with dry skin (retains moisture balance), inflammation, increases epidermal renewal and smoothness. (I also consume this on a daily basis combined with fish oil). If you didn't notice, if it's good in your belly, it's probably good on your face too :)
Even I think I look funny in this picture! :)   But it wouldn't be fair not to share, right?  HAHA
I research endlessly on food, herbs, spices, nutrients etc and their benefits. I have a crazy hunger to learn all I can (no pun intended). And I want to share everything with you!  I can't wait to start my next blog.
Other than listing the organic ingredients, I didn't mention that I very much believe we should take careful consideration in what we consume. I recently saw a post that stated, "People should be less concerned with calories and more concerned with chemicals". And I completely agree. But I understand this is an area that can get confusing and over whelming as well. So continue to read my blogs and we'll discuss it all :)

And I actually have a face under all that food!!
My husband of 18yrs.

And these are my 3 children :)    
Kenzie, Kennan and Benny!


  1. Wow great post! Very interesting and an enjoyable read. Is there a way to be notified when you post a new entry? Or will it always be a certain day, etc? Quick question on the green tea. Did you just use a regular tea bag and if yes does it have to be organic or anything else special?
    Thanks again and looking for to the next entry. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you so much!
      If time permits I hope to blog several times a week, that might be optimistic, but we'll see :) You can subscribe to my blog and then you will receive notifications.
      As for green tea, it's a little more expensive (and perhaps a bit inconvenient) but fresh, loose tea is the best option. The longer it sits on a shelf, the less "green" it has! :)
