Friday, October 3, 2014

Thinning or fine hair, oh the frustration, but there's hope!

The curse of thin, fine hair, what is a person to do?
Are you like me, do you hate the wind? Something so simple can completely ruin my hair style. It seems to somehow make my hair limp and appear greasy! Unfortunately, I'm also blessed with a large forehead and it's not nicely rounded so "no bangs" is NEVER an option!
Here are some pictures taken within the last 2yrs where it is obvious that I have a bit of a receding hairline happening on my left temple. This is where it stands out the most. I will quickly add that it's a hereditary trait for me, my mother, sister, aunt, grandmother ALL  have the same issue.

Your hair can say a lot about you. Healthy, vibrant hair is a good indicator of a healthy diet. Specific conditions like dry/brittle hair or poor hair growth and loss of colour can actually determine nutritional deficiencies.And then of course there is simply the vanity aspect, just look at media and marketing, everyone has beautiful thick and typically long hair and if you don't, they have some product or another for you!

I am going to share with you everything I have done to help get my hair back. It's an ongoing process but I see promising improvement.

About the time those pictures were taken I was purchasing a home laser hair removal machine in a hair loss clinic (oh, the irony!) and the owner offered to take a picture of my scalp. He told me I had dormant follicles, perhaps I had experienced a period of stress and this was the result. It was good to know that there was still hope that. I purchased a spray from him (I'm going to guess it was something similar to Rogaine). I wasn't very diligent about using this product on a regular basis because it made my hair sticky and impossible to style, but if I had to comment on results, I would say it was effective. By the way, the name of the clinic is Freedom Hair Systems in North York (Toronto). And the laser hair removal worked too!

The next thing I tried was a supplement called silicea, in my research I could not find anything negative about this product and it safely mixed with other supplements and vitamins. The first thing I noticed after a month were my nails! Previously, if I was lucky enough to actually grow nails, they were thin and would always break, after silicea they were insanely strong and never broke.
I happened to be in school for skin care at the time I was taking silicea, so I wasn't sure if the improvement in the appearance of my skin was from all the new treatments we were practicing on each other or the product (I think it had a lot to do with it).
Did it help my hair? My mother lives 4hrs away and we go months without seeing each other, when she saw me she asked right away and we went out and bought her some too!

I also suggest a product called femMED, also for hair, skin and nails (an entire line, doctor formulated for women). You take 2 pills a day for 30 days and you're done. You can repeat several months later, but neither one of these products are for continuous use.

Remember when you're trying something new and looking for results, it will take up to 6 months and possibly longer to see changes in your hair. The reason for this is because of the different phases of hair production. The active, growing stage is called anagen and can last anywhere from 2 to 6 years. This explains why some people can't grow their hair beyond a certain length, it means the anagen stage is shorter for them. In case you're curious, our body hair grows at a much shorter rate.

It's normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day.

It's important to have a biotin rich diet. Biotin is a B vitamin and our bodies make it in the intestines. B vitamins, folate, B6 and B12 are involved in the creation of red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout the body, including our scalp and follicles.

Examples of:
Folate - leafy greens, spinach, edamame, broccoli, brussel sprouts, avocados, okra, artichoke, beans, romaine lettuce, soy nuts, meat livers etc.

Vit B6 - sunflower seeds, pistachios, fish (tuna, salmon, halibut), poultry, dried fruit, lean beef, bananas etc

B12- shellfish (clams, oysters), liver (beef), crustaceans (shrimp, crab, lobster), soy products, fortified cereal, cheese (swiss, reduced fat mozz), eggs etc

DHT is a male hormone and an enemy to hair follicles on the head.
We need to reduce the activity of the enzyme that activates testosterone into a more potent form, DHT. And to do this we need foods that contain iron, zinc and fatty acids.

Green tea provides hydration, prevents ailments and consists of vit A,C and E.  Green/red peppers, strawberries and citrus foods are excellent for vit C (did you know that a red bell pepper has more vit C than an orange?). Spinach is great for iron as well as vit C & E and zinc! Nuts and seeds are good sources for fatty acids.

Frozen fruits/vegetables are a good idea to have on hand in case you run out of fresh or fresh isn't an option.

I eat mostly organic, very little meat and avoid wheat when possibly, I'm not wheat sensitive, but with all the information available I made the decision to cut it out of my diet for the most part. Maybe in a future post I can explain why organic, why my decision for less meat and the reason for wheat free (mostly, not easy to do!).

Lastly, here are a few other things you can do.

-Buy a filter for your shower head, eliminate as many chemicals from the water as possible
-Use organic shampoo and conditioner
-Massage your scalp, encourage circulation and hair growth. I've read that peppermint and   rosemary essential oils are good for hair loss. Look up techniques on
-Do headstands/yoga poses, encourage blood flow. Hang your head over the bed or couch and massage at the same time! 
-Drink kefir water/milk. I have talked about this pro-biotic before and for good reason. It's good bacterial for your gut (like yogurt but much better) to keep your immune system healthy, thus keeping everything else functioning at it's optimal capacity. I have never been as "regular" as I am now,  I could do an entire post on that, maybe I will :)

So.....what does my hair look like now?

From this ....I must say, it was hard to find pictures of before, I didn't want my picture taken!
Notice how thin and spaced out my bangs are.  

A lot more fullness.
 .....and now......
You can see how the temple area has filled in.

So in conclusion I'd like to say,  you can experience hair loss at any age because of many reasons, such as, age, diet, external environment (pollution/UV damage), smoking etc. Just remember,
you didn't get to the point you're at over night, so the problem isn't going to resolve itself in a day. Be patient, it will get better, in the very least you will put the hair loss to a stop. The more consistent you are about staying on track with whatever plan you put together from my experiences, the better the results will be and you will be happier too!


Monday, September 29, 2014

Pumpkins, I use that $&*# for everything!

Fall is in the air, time for comfy jeans, sweaters and tall boots. If that's not worth getting excited for, then I don't know what is.

       Oh wait! PUMPKINS!

                                              Aren't pumpkins the perfect image for fall?

Beautifully carved for Halloween with softly glowing candle light. Or proudly displayed among gourds and leaves for Thanksgiving.

One of my favourites, pumpkin seeds! And so good for you. They supply you with minerals such as, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper. They are also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2 and B3, protein, monounsaturated fats and phytosterols.

Simple steps for roasting seeds.
1) Remove the seeds from the pumpkin and thoroughly rinse through a colander to remove the pulp.
2) Place on a baking sheet and bake on low (250/275 degrees) for about 20mns to remove the moisture (and missed pulp will easily separate once the seeds are dry) 
3) Add a small amount of olive oil and salt (I have learned that only a small amount of oil is needed), place back in the oven for an additional 20mns. I tend to try a couple as I wait. You're looking for a slightly toasted colour.

And we can't forget about pumpkin bread (my husband's specialty) and cookies! I made these and my daughter got upset with me because she couldn't stop eating them!

The recipe came from, Iced Pumpkin Cookies.

As you can see, I didn't use the icing.

And now for the good stuff!

Pumpkin face mask.

Simple ingredients, honey, pumpkin, cinnamon and ground almonds.
1tsp HONEY
1tsp GROUND ALMONDS (also know as almond meal)
1/4cup PUMPKIN

I loved this mask! So simple. It was brightening, tightening and smoothing.
Pumpkin has zinc which provides a toning and lifting effect, it's also exfoliates gently because of the enzymes. The honey is purifying. Cinnamon is antibacterial. And almond meal is rich in vitamin E, selenium and monounsaturated fat, and that’s why it is considered a good protective antioxidant for the skin. Almond meal is also great for exfoliating and when I was ready to remove the mask I gently rubbed it around and got the benefits of a scrub.

I just want to add the importance of exfoliating. Besides washing your face (no more than twice a day, or you will be stripping away the natural oils), you need to exfoliate a few times a week, depending on your skin type, less frequently for dry skin. I have actually seen exfoliation used several times as a gimmick to impress a potential customer in the cosmetic industry. If it's something you haven't been doing on a regular basis, the results can be quite impressive. Our skin renews itself approximately every 30 days, as we get older this process takes a little longer. Exfoliating helps remove the dead layer of skin cells that are left sitting on the surface, it helps stimulate the skin and boosts circulation. Without exfoliation, our complexion can appear dull, lack luster, and that is why the following situation occurs .... we walk up to the cosmetic counter and we're offered a quick demonstration. After 20 seconds of scrubbing and a quick application of moisturizer, the skin appears years younger and that moisturizer has surprisingly soaked into your skin better than anything you have at home! You're so impressed, you buy the product on the spot. Here's what has just happened, they have removed that layer of dead skin cells, that was making your skin appear dry (for most people) and bland. Suddenly your skin looks brighter and healthier. And because you no longer have that barrier sitting on your skin, it can soak up the moisturizer that was probably sitting on the surface before.
Unfortunately it cost you way more than was necessary. You can easily exfoliate with any of the ingredients below (and many others) that you probably already have sitting in your kitchen cupboard.

The yogurt (and milk) is like a mild lactic acid that exfoliates just sitting on your skin. But you can mix it with almond meal, cornstarch or sugar and gently scrub as well. There are so many possible combination options that maybe I will just dedicate a blog to scrubs for specific skin types and concerns.

Here are 2 quick ones!

The WAKE ME UP scrub. Although you don't scrub, just leave it on for 10mns.
    2tsp yogurt
    2tsp oatmeal
    1/2tsp brewers yeast (stimulates circulation, rich in vit B6) if you don't have it handy, skip it
    1tsp honey

BRIGHTEN and POLISH  combine all ingredients and blend (yep, rind and all!) rub gently and then allow to sit for 5mns.
    1/4 lemon
    1/4c milk
    1/4c almond meal
     1tsp vit E (capsules can be used)

Back to the pumpkin mask!

You can either boil the pumpkin in a little water or put it in the oven to prep for this mask. Then add all the ingredients together and grind with a hand held blender or whatever you find works best for you. I added water to help with the consistency. Yeah, it was a little chunky! This one didn't go on that easily with a brush so I opted to apply it with a large popsicle stick.

Apparently it was a little awkward taking this picture so I couldn't look into the camera :)
I intentionally tried to avoid the area by nose and upper cheeks because I tend to get congestion in this area if there is a moisturizing ingredient in the mask. This wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I have done more masks in the last 2 weeks than I usually do.

Only a few years ago the process of applying makeup and getting ready was rather time consuming and tedious. I remember thinking, seriously? Is this how it's going to be as I get older? Applying foundation to even out skin tone and hide the imperfections (btw, we are our own worst critique, it's never nearly as bad as we think!) and all the while trying to make it look like I had no makeup on at all! Thankfully I find myself in a completely different scenario now. I can actually leave the house confidently with only a little mascara and lip gloss. I know that not everyone feels the need to wear makeup, I think it's something we learn as a child. If our mother did it, we tend to follow in her footsteps.

Except for a little gravity working against me (I suppose at 40 it's bound to happen), I'd like to think I have managed to create an optimal atmosphere for my skin (our largest organ) to thrive and repair itself.  I believe my success is a direct effect of a healthy diet for my body's needs and careful consideration of what is topically applied. So I invite you to come along and join me as I share with you all that I know and continue to learn :)

mom and her girls mini putting

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wait, what? Sunshine on sprouts? Well yes, of course!

Have you been reaping the benefits of this amazing little super food? You can buy them at your local food market (I have only found them at my local health food store) or better yet, and I highly recommend it, grow them yourself!I recently starting growing my own sprouts (about 6 months ago). In 3-5 days you can have enough sprouts to last a week, and if you don't want to eat them that quickly (oh, but you will), they store for weeks in the fridge.
There are serious sprout enthusiasts out there (with very good reason), and you can find all the information you ever needed to know. So I'm just going to add a quick explanation, because really, this could go on for pages, believe me!

Sprouts are a super food with high levels of protein, vitamins (A, C, E and B), minerals, trace elements (examples, zinc, copper, iron, iodine etc), chlorophyll pigments  (in my research, chlorophyll heals), and enzymes (to aid in digestion), which have all multiplied in the sprouting process, anywhere from 300 to 1200 percent in the most easily digestible form. Because sprouts are still growing at the peak of life force, they contain the greatest nutrient activity of any other raw food. Sprouts are an anti-oxidant (they fight free radicals) and anti-aging (the release RNA and DNA - only found in living cells).  Most of this information comes from a book by Dr.Gillian McKeith's called Living Food for Health. It's an incredibly informative read.

Simply put, sprouts have more nutrient impact in such a small portion than any other natural food. It is absorbed more effectively than supplements because your body recognizes it as a food.

As you can see, I buy my sprout seeds from Mumms (Canada, all organic and non-GMO). The cost is pretty low and this particular supplier does not charge shipping. And the best part is, it only takes 2-3 teaspoons of seeds to end up with a mason jar stuffed with all this goodness!

Below I have instructions for making simple sprouts like alfalfa, broccoli, salad mix, radish, garlic, sesame, etc (you can also grow sprouts in trays with soil or other specialized options).

- glass jars (who doesn't have a few of these sitting in the cupboard?)
- some sort of a mesh material to allow for rinsing and draining the sprouts. At first I used nylons I had and secured them with rubber bands. Later I purchased tulle (you know, the ballet stuff!) and jars that had open lids. It all works the same, just up to you and what you prefer :)

Are you paying attention, I'm only going to tell you once. Soak the seeds. Rinse the seeds. Repeat. Complicated, huh? Okay, the seeds need to soak for 4-8hrs, depends on what type of seed you are growing. After they are finished soaking they need to be rinsed a few times a day. If you think you will miss a rinse, put them in the fridge (hold please), and then continue when you return.

A vigorous rinse with water is better and make sure you remove as much of the excess water as possible. Lie the jars on their side for maximum distribution of sprouts and ventilation.

I have come to realize that they may look kind of similar, one sprout to the next, but don't be fooled, they have very individual flavours! Something like alfalfa is very mild, sunflower has a hint of spice and amaranth can be bitter.

Here are two salads I made using my sprouts. You can add them along with your lettuces or simply replace them with sprouts only! Completely satisfying. I crave this stuff!  :)   I don't use salad dressing, instead I shake a little ground flax, hemp seeds, Vegetable mix from Club House (Roasted Red Pepper is yummy too!) and add a little organic olive oil. I had a garden this year (yes, those vegetable pictures are actually from my garden) and I was overwhelmed with tomatoes, so I dehydrated many! They add a great, powerful flavour.

Like I mentioned in my previous blog, it's pretty much a safe bet, that if it benefits your body on the inside, it's going to work fabulously on your skin. And you guessed it, my next experiment is a ground sprout mask! I'll keep you posted :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Can I eat this or....?

My husband is standing with the fridge door open, he's showing me a container of food and he asks, "Can I eat this or is it for your face?".  This may sound funny, but it's a common occurrence in our home. No longer are my kids shocked when they walk into a room and I'm sitting there with a face covered in black seaweed, red pomegranate or yellow turmeric! Maybe it's not so cool that their friends are getting used to it too :)
  I am a skin specialist with a passion for healthy eating. You can't expect to see improvement in your face if you're not providing your body with the nutrition it needs to achieve these results.

spirulina, turmeric, yogurt etc.  
In my 30's I experienced hormonal acne, it was so disappointing when I couldn't find the right serum, wash, cream etc to help in any way. Out of desperation I tried a cleanse and WOW, there it was, an improvement. Why, I now know it was because I was experiencing irritable bowel syndrome and I needed to cleanse my digestive track so it could do what it does best, provide the nutrients required in your body. If things aren't functioning properly in your gut, it's going to show somewhere in your skin, hair, health, brain function etc.  I intend to focus more attention to this subject a little later on. Today I want to talk about putting some of that goodness ON your body, not just in it! :) Being a professional has given me access to all the top spa products on the market, of course I have not tried them all, but I have experimented with countless  brands and treatments. It can get confusing and overwhelming trying to figure out what product is best suited to your skin type and concern you are trying to address, again, this is not the topic of this blog, I'll get back to that another time. With all the experimenting I have done from the products I carry for the facial line, the more "natural"  individual products I have purchased, such as shea butter, vitamin C powder, dead sea mineral mud etc, time and time again, I am so pleased with the results from the products in my kitchen!! And I am getting my clients to see the same thing.

For my very first post I'm going to share a recent mask I made and LOVED! It left my skin smooth, firm and bright. Here are the ingredients.
Organic Greek yogurt, organic turmeric powder, kefir grains, green tea, borage oil and seaweed wraps. 

I like to apply my masks with foundation brushes that you can find at the dollar store. Using your fingers is so messy and just plain inconvenient!
Yogurt exfoliates the skin, think of it as a mild lactic acid peel. It also works great to bond all the ingredients together. Turmeric is a healer, it's anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-bacterial and will help brighten your complexion (there are many more benefits). Green tea is an anti-oxidant  (I save a little from my tea to add to the mask!). Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements that offer moisture to your skin (make sure to eat this stuff too!). Kefir grains help the ph balance in your skin and improves many skin issues such as acne. (I consume kefir water daily, amazing for healthy bacteria in the gut). Borage oil has a high fatty acid profile and helps with dry skin (retains moisture balance), inflammation, increases epidermal renewal and smoothness. (I also consume this on a daily basis combined with fish oil). If you didn't notice, if it's good in your belly, it's probably good on your face too :)
Even I think I look funny in this picture! :)   But it wouldn't be fair not to share, right?  HAHA
I research endlessly on food, herbs, spices, nutrients etc and their benefits. I have a crazy hunger to learn all I can (no pun intended). And I want to share everything with you!  I can't wait to start my next blog.
Other than listing the organic ingredients, I didn't mention that I very much believe we should take careful consideration in what we consume. I recently saw a post that stated, "People should be less concerned with calories and more concerned with chemicals". And I completely agree. But I understand this is an area that can get confusing and over whelming as well. So continue to read my blogs and we'll discuss it all :)

And I actually have a face under all that food!!
My husband of 18yrs.

And these are my 3 children :)    
Kenzie, Kennan and Benny!